Here are my PuTTY settings for a correct rendering of Solarized colors.
Softwares used
- PuTTY and it's authentication agent (There is KiTTY, an improved version of PuTTY too)
- MTPuTTY (Multi-Tabbed Putty) for adding tabbed feature to PuTTY/KiTTY
- Solarized PuTTY settings
Installation steps
Installing PuTTY or MTPuTTY didn't need specials instruction.If you're using KiTTY, the Solarized PuTTY.reg files need to be adapted by opening them into a text editor and replacing the line:
By this one:
Then import the .reg files.
KiTTY/PuTTY configuration
Now start KiTTY or PuTTY, load the Dark or Light Solarized session and modify this session with:- Window - Colours : Enable "Allow terminal to use xterm 256-colour mode"
- Connection - Data - Terminal details : Terminal-type string : "xterm-256color"
- Terminal - Bell : Visual Bell
- Window - Appearance - Font Settings - Font: "Consolas" - 12point
- Window - Appearance - Font Settings - Font quality: ClearType
- Window - Translation - Remote character set: UTF-8
- Window - Lines of scrollback: 10000
- Window - Selection - Control use of mouse: xterm (Right extends, Middle Past)
- Connection : Second between keepalives: 25
- Connection : Enable TCP keepalives
- Connection - SSH - X11: Enable X11 forwarding
Checking parameters
Start a KiTTY/PuTTY, check that your preferences are loaded by default and open a SSH session to an *nix machine.Once logged, the command "echo $TERM" should answer "xterm-256color".
And, if you've solarized your VIM (you don't need to use
let g:solarized_termcolors=256!),
you should correctly see the column after entering a "set colorcolumn=80". tmux
tmux need to be configured for advertise a 256color term by adding in ~/.tmux.conf the line:set -g default-terminal "screen-256color"