I didn't found very detailed examples, then here is a PowerShell script that explains how to create, configure and start a VirtualBox Machine.
The goal is:
- Create a VM (OS type: FreeBSD_64)
- Configure it (with a serial port that redirect to a pipe)
- Convert a unzipped BSDRP-full-amd64-vga disk image file to a VDI file, and attach this VDI to the VM
- Start the VM
- Initialize the COM API
- Create the VM
- Configure the VM (excluding attaching medium to it)
- Save and register the VM
- Convert a RAW file to VDI (using VBoxManage.exe) and registering it
- Lock the VM in write mode for attaching the medium
- Launch the VM
# VirtualBox COM API PowerShell sample script
# Example for BSD Router Project (http://bsdrp.net)
$erroractionpreference = "Stop"
#### Declaring enumeration types ######
# PowerShell can't import type library from a COM Object
# http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh228154.aspx
# Need to copy/write all enums type used in this script
# You can use the official API doc:
# http://www.virtualbox.org/sdkref/index.html
# Or extracting values with oleview.exe
$StorageBus_IDE = 1
$StorageBus_SATA = 2
$StorageBus_SCSI = 3
$StorageBus_Floppy = 4
$StorageBus_SAS = 5
$StorageControllerType_LsiLogic = 1
$StorageControllerType_BusLogic = 2
$StorageControllerType_IntelAhci = 3
$StorageControllerType_PIIX3 = 4
$StorageControllerType_PIIX4 = 5
$StorageControllerType_ICH6 = 6
$StorageControllerType_I82078 = 7
$StorageControllerType_LsiLogicSas = 8
$DeviceType_Null = 0
$DeviceType_Floppy = 1
$DeviceType_DVD = 2
$DeviceType_HardDisk = 3
$DeviceType_Network = 4
$DeviceType_USB = 5
$DeviceType_SharedFolder = 6
$AccessMode_ReadOnly = 1
$AccessMode_ReadWrite = 2
$LockType_Write = 2
$LockType_Shared = 1
#PortMode (serial)
$PortMode_Disconnected = 0
$PortMode_HostPipe = 1
$PortMode_HostDevice = 2
$PortMode_RawFile = 3
#### Scripts Variables #####
#Machine name
#OS type
#Raw image disk filename
### Here we go
write-host "First step: initialize the COM API"
# Initialize the main VirtualBox COM Object
$VIRTUALBOX = New-Object -ComObject VirtualBox.VirtualBox
write-host "Second step: Create the VM"
# Create VM
#As the new machine will not be registered, it's in mutable (modifiable) status
Write-Host "Third step: Configuring the VM (excluding attaching medium to it)"
# Configure the VM
$MACHINE.Description="BSD Router Project - Template VM"
# Serial port
# Link the VM serial port to a pipe into the host
# You can connect, from the host, to the serial port of the VM
# Adding a disk controller
$MACHINE_CTRL=$MACHINE.addStorageController("SATA Controller",$StorageBus_SATA)
write-host "Forth step: Saving and registering the VM"
# Configure the disk controller
# Save settings
# Need to register the VM (mandatory before attaching a disk to it)
# But registering the VM will change it's state to un-mutable !
write-host "Fifth step: Registering a VDI"
# Convert a raw image disk to VDI using VBoxManage.exe
$VDI_FILE=$VIRTUALBOX.SystemProperties.DefaultMachineFolder + "\$MACHINE_NAME\$MACHINE_NAME.vdi"
# Call external command VBoxManage.exe for converting the given RAW .img to VDI
# Need to add quote to the command string
$VB_MANAGE ='"' + $env:VBOX_INSTALL_PATH + "VBoxManage.exe" + '"'
$CMD="convertfromraw " + '"' + $RAW_FILE +'" "' + $VDI_FILE + '"'
$erroractionpreference = "silentlycontinue"
invoke-expression "& $VB_MANAGE $CMD"
$erroractionpreference = "Stop"
# Register the VDI (Mandatory before attaching it to a VM)
# (optional) Compact the VDI (and create a process object for following the process)
# Wait for end of compacting the VDI...
Write-Host "Sixth step: Unlock the VM in write mode for attaching the medium"
# Need to unclock the VM (put it in "mutable" state) before modifying it
# (More I'm discovering the complexity of VirtualBox, more I love qemu !)
# We need to lock the MACHINE in Write mode, and use a SESSION for that
# Initialize VirtualBox Session object
$SESSION = New-Object -ComObject VirtualBox.Session
# Now lock the machine using the SESSION object
# This will create a new SESSION.machine object
# Waring: MACHINE is still in un-mutable state,
# but there is a copy of MACHINE, called SESSION.MACHINE that is in mutable state.
# Attach the disk to the mutable state machine (SESSION.machine)
$SESSION.machine.attachDevice("SATA Controller",0,0,$DeviceType_HardDisk,$MEDIUM)
# Save new settings... but still on SESSION.machine
# Unlock the machine
write-host "seventh step: Launch the VM"
# Launch VM in GUI mode
# Wait for launching process of the VM
Write-Host "Machine started:"
Write-Host " - Graphical console: On the VirtualBox Window"
write-host " - Serial port: Configure your putty/kitty to connect to:"
write-host " serial serial line: \\.\pipe\$MACHINE_NAME"
write-host " baud : 115200"
Write-Host "Press a key to continue"
$x = $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown")
You can found a more complex examples (using VboxHeadless, linked clones, etc…) by looking at the BSDRP VirtualBox Lab PowerShell srcipt.
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