Olivier's Blog
c'est un simple blog... d'une simple personne.
vendredi, février 22, 2019
PXE booting of a FreeBSD disk image
Introduction I had to set up a regression and network performance lab. This lab will be managed by a Jenkins, but the first step is to und...
dimanche, janvier 07, 2018
Replacing a Raspberry Pi by an Odroid C2 for HEVC support
My mediacenter was, since some years now, a Raspberry Pi with OpenElec . But more and more of available contents are using HEVC (H.265) vi...
1 commentaire:
samedi, mai 14, 2016
Playing with FreeBSD packet filter state table limits
Objective I've got a very specific needs: Selecting a firewalls to be installed between large number of monitoring servers and a big n...
vendredi, janvier 15, 2016
Example of a FreeBSD bug hunting session by a simple user
Problem description I've meet a problem with one of my FreeBSD-wireless-router, and a FreeBSD network developer (Alexander V. Cherni...
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