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samedi, mai 14, 2016

Playing with FreeBSD packet filter state table limits


I've got a very specific needs: Selecting a firewalls to be installed between large number of monitoring servers and a big network (about one million of equipment).
This mean lot's of short SNMP (UDP based) flows: I need a firewall able to manage 4 millions state table entries but don't need important throughput (few gigabit per second is enough).
Short look on the datasheet marked:
  • Juniper SRX 3600: 6 millions concurrent sessions maximum and up to 65Gbps (marketing bullshit: Giving a value in Gbps is useless)
  • Cisco ASA 5585-X: 4 millions concurrent sessions maximum and up to 15Gbps (same marketing bullshit unit as Juniper, marketing department seems stronger than engineering)
I'm not looking for such big throughput, then how about performance vs maximum number of firewall states on a simple x86 servers ?

I will do my benches on a small Netgate RCC-VE 4860 (4 cores ATOM C2558, 8GB RAM) under FreeBSD 10.3: I'm rebooting it between each bench, and do a lot's of bench, then I need an equipment with a short POST BIOS time.
My performance unit will be the packet-per-second with smallest-size packet (64 bytes Ethernet frame size) generated at maximum line-rate (1.48Mpps if Gigabit interface, 14.8Mpps if 10 Gigabit interface).

Performance with default pf parameters

By default pf uses these maximum number of state values:
[root@DUT]~# pfctl -sm
states        hard limit    10000
src-nodes     hard limit    10000
frags         hard limit     5000
table-entries hard limit   200000
[root@DUT]~# sysctl 8192 32768

This mean it manages 10K session maximum with a size of pf states hashsize of 32768 (no idea of the unit).

A very simple pf.conf will be used:
[root@DUT]~# cat /etc/pf.conf
set skip on lo0

I will start by benching  pf performance impact regarding number of states: between 128 to 9800.
For one unidirectional UDP flow pf will create 2 session entries (one for each direction).
As example, with a a packet generator like netmap's pkg-gen, we can ask for generating a range of 70 sources IP addresses and 70 destinations addresses: This will give total of 70*70=4900 unidirectional UDP flows (for 9800 pf states).

From theory to practice with pkt-gen:
pkt-gen -i ncxl0 -f tx -l 60 -d -D 00:07:43:2e:e5:90 -s -w 4

And during this load, we check number of current states:

[root@DUT]~# pfctl -si
Status: Enabled for 0 days 00:00:19           Debug: Urgent

State Table                          Total             Rate
  current entries                     9800
  searches                        13777196       725115.6/s
  inserts                             9800          515.8/s
  removals                               0            0.0/s

Great: theory match practice, now I can start to generate multiple pktgen configuration (128, 512, 2048, 9800 states) on my bench script and run a first session:

olivier@manager:~/netbenches/Atom_C2558_4Cores-Intel_i350 % ~/netbenches/scripts/ -f bench-lab-2nodes.config -n 10 -p ../pktgen.configs/FW-states-10k/ -d pf-sessions/results/fbsd10.3/
BSDRP automatized upgrade/configuration-sets/benchs script

This script will start 40 bench tests using:
 - Multiples images to test: no
 - Multiples configuration-sets to test: no
 - Multiples pkt-gen configuration to test: yes
 - Number of iteration for each set: 10
 - Results dir: pf-sessions/results/fbsd10.3/

Do you want to continue ? (y/n): y
Testing ICMP connectivity to each devices:
Testing SSH connectivity with key to each devices:
Starting the benchs
Start configuration set: pf-statefull
Uploading cfg pf-session/config//pf-statefull
Rebooting DUT and waiting device return online...done
Start pkt-gen set: ../pktgen.configs/FW-states-10k//128
Start bench serie
Waiting for end of bench 1/40...done
Rebooting DUT and waiting device return online...done
Start bench serie
Waiting for end of bench 2/40...done
Rebooting DUT and waiting device return online...done
Start bench serie
Waiting for end of bench 3/40...done
Rebooting DUT and waiting device return online...done
Start bench serie
Waiting for end of bench 4/40...done
Rebooting DUT and waiting device return online...done
Start bench serie
Waiting for end of bench 5/40...done
Rebooting DUT and waiting device return online...done
Start bench serie
Waiting for end of bench 6/40...done
Rebooting DUT and waiting device return online...done
Start bench serie
Waiting for end of bench 7/40...done
Waiting for end of bench 40/40...done
All bench tests were done, results in results/fbsd10.3/

Once done (3 hours after) we ask to generate a file:

olivier@manager:% ~/netbenches/scripts/  Atom_C2558_4Cores-Intel_i350/pf-session/results/fbsd10.3/
Ministating results...
olivier@lame4: % cat Atom_C2558_4Cores-Intel_i350/pf-session/results/fbsd10.3/
#index median minimum maximum
128 413891.5 409959 418019
512 411258 406566 413515
2048 392497.5 388039 401090
9800 372441.5 369681.5 377640

We obtains this result:

We notice a little performance impact when we reach the default 10K state table: From 413Kpps with 128 states in-used, it lower to 372Kpps.
Can we prevent this by tuning the pf.state_hashsize value ?

Tuning pf.state_hashsize (for default 10K pf max states)

This value configure the table size used to store state hash and this value should be a power of 2.
I didn't found how to check the efficient usage of this table, but I've found the relationship of this table size and the RAM consumed.
First test: On a system with unloaded pf.ko, configure a big states_hashsize:
echo '"8388608"' >> /boot/loader.conf

And start pf, then check the RAM reserved by pf_hash:
[root@DUT]~# service pf onestart

Enabling pf.
[root@DUT]~# vmstat -m | grep pf_hash
      pf_hash     3 655680K       -        3

pf_hash consume 655680KiB of RAM: It's about 80 times the state_hashsize.

We will try again with the next power-of-2 value: 16777216.
Theoretically, the RAM consumed with this value should be:
16777216 * 80 = 1342177280 (about 1,310,720KiB or 1.25GiB RAM).

From theory to practice, reboot the server and:
echo '"16777216"' >> /boot/loader.conf

[root@DUT]~# service pf onestart

Enabling pf.
[root@DUT]~# vmstat -m | grep pf_hash

      pf_hash     3 1311040K       -        3

Great: We've got the relationship between pf.states_hashsize and RAM consumed.
But take care: On this 8GB RAM server, the maximum hashsize is 33,554,432 (2.5GB of RAM).
If configured to 67,108,864, this mean using 5GB of RAM on my 8GB server: this hang kldoal pf.ko (PR: 209475).

For the next bench, the number of flow will be fixed for generating 9800 pf state entries, but I will try different value of pf.states_hashsize until the maximum allowed on my 8GB RAM server (still with the default max states of 10k):

There is no need to increase pf.states_hashsize with 10k state entries, the default size is enough.
We just have to write down that with a 10K state table full, this equipment is still able to keept 372Kpps.
What about the performance drop if we increase a lot's more the pf state table ?

Increasing pf max states to 4 millions

Now increasing the number of max states by updating the simple pf configuration file allowing a maximum 4M states :

root@DUT:~ # cat /etc/pf.conf
set limit { states 4000000 }
set skip on lo0

For filling 4M states, we just need to generate 2 millions of UDP flows in one direction, pf will create 2 entries in its table (one for each direction) using netmap pkt-gen:

( 5 * 256 + 134 ) source addresses * (5 * 256 + 134 ) destination addresses = 1,996,569 one-direction flows (about 4M pf state).

From theory to practice with pkt-gen:
pkt-gen -i ncxl0 -f tx -l 60 -d -D 00:07:43:2e:e5:90 -s -w 4

And current state entries:
[root@DUT]~# pfctl -si
Status: Enabled for 0 days 00:01:22           Debug: Urgent

State Table                          Total             Rate
  current entries                  3998792
  searches                         7302196        89051.2/s
  inserts                          3998792        48765.8/s
  removals                               0            0.0/s

It should be logic to increase pf.states_hashsize too after increasing the maximum states: But what value to be set ?
Does the relation ship between this 2 values linear ?
This mean because the increase factor was 400 between the default maximum number of state (10K) and this new value (4M), should the pf.states_hashsize need to be multiplied by 400 too ?

If the relationship between need to be linear, the best performance will be reacheable at 32768 * 400 = 13,107,200. But because we are using power of 2, this mean we need to reach between 8 or 16M pf.states_hashsize.

I didn't find answer in the man page neither in code comments, then I will restart the same previous bench regarding different value of pf.states_hashsize, until I reach the maximum value allowed on this 8GB RAM server.

#index median minimum maximum
32Ki 100809 99866 101388
65Ki 168147 165946 168726.5
128Ki 230205 222452 231987
256Ki 280163 278519 282029
512Ki 316142 313727 317546
1Mi 339614.5 336799 342808.5
2Mi 353461 349322 355908
4Mi 360044 357546 361448
8Mi 364828 361667 367729
16Mi 366323 363514 368747
32Mi 364977 363073 366800.5

And the graphic:

Theory seem confirmed: Best performance are when pf.states_hashsize reach 16M.

And notice that with 4M pf states in place of 10K, and correctly tuning pf.states_hashsize, there is no big performance drop:
There is only 12% performance penalty between pf 128 pf states and 4 million pf states.

Pushing the limit to maximum: 10 millions sates on a 8GB RAM server

My 8GB RAM system can be configured for 32M of pf.states_hashsize, wich is about 1024 bigger than the default pf.states_hashsize.
Then, can I configure pf for managing 1024 more state than default , this mean (10,000 * 1024) = 10M state entries ?

Let's try!

[root@DUT]~# cat /etc/pf.conf
set limit { states 10000000 }
set skip on lo0

[root@DUT]~# cat /boot/loader.conf"33554432"

A rapid check after the reboot:

[root@DUT]~# pfctl -sm
states        hard limit 10000000
src-nodes     hard limit    10000
frags         hard limit     5000

table-entries hard limit   200000
[root@DUT]~# sysctl 33554432

And now a pkt-gen generating 5M unidirectional UDP flows:

[root@pkt]~# pkt-gen -U -f tx -i igb2 -l 60 -w 4 -d -D 00:08:a2:09:33:da -s

And check number of pf states:

[root@netgate]~# pfctl -si
Status: Enabled for 0 days 00:03:52           Debug: Urgent

State Table                          Total             Rate
  current entries                  9999392
  searches                       136730570       589355.9/s
  inserts                          9999392        43100.8/s
  removals                               0            0.0/s

Re-using the bench script for another number-of-states/performance graph, but pushing the maximum limit to 10M:

% cat
#index median minimum maximum
128 406365 371415 411379
1K 368245.5 367299 370606
1M 367210 365505 370600
2M 367252 365939 369866
4M 365722 362921.5 369635.5
6M 365899 365213 368887
10M 362200 351420 365515

With 10M state, pf performance lower to 362Kpps: Still only 12% lower performance than with only 128 states.

pfsync impact

After testing the behavior with only one firewalll, how about the behavior of pfsync with 10M states table to synchronize with another firewall ?
During previous benches, the traffic was sent at gigabit line-rate traffic (1.48Mpps) and this heavy load prevent to entering command to this small firewall console. How will it share resources with pfsync ?
Configuring pfsync (same on another "backup" firewall) on a unused interface (using syncpeer because I don't want to send my switch in the sky with potentially large number of multicast):

sysrc pfsync_enable="YES"
sysrc pfsync_syncdev="igb5"
sysrc pfsync_syncpeer=""

And we try by generating unidirectionnal 5million UDP flows a line-rate:

[root@pkt]~#pkt-gen -U -f tx -i igb2 -n 300000000 -l 60 -d -D 00:08:a2:09:33:da -s -w 4

But no pfsync traffic received on backup firewall, the DUT didn't have enough resources (all are spend to drop lot's of received 1.48Mpps rate) for managing correctly pfsync.

We need to lower packet rate to 200Kpps:

[root@pkt]~#pkt-gen -U -f tx -i igb2 -n 300000000 -l 60 -d -D 00:08:a2:09:33:da -s -w 4 -R 20000

At this lower rate, the DUT have enough resource for updating pfsync, the backup firewall start to receive see some states:

[root@backup]~# pfctl -si
Status: Enabled for 0 days 00:25:23           Debug: Urgent

State Table                          Total             Rate
  current entries                  1007751
  searches                        99696386        65460.5/s
  inserts                         25494221        16739.5/s
  removals                        24486050        16077.5/s

And pfsync traffic can reach 100Mb/s:

              /0   /1   /2   /3   /4   /5   /6   /7   /8   /9   /10
Load Average   |

Interface           Traffic               Peak                Total
  pfsync0  in     12.763 MB/s        105.422 MB/s           11.073 GB
           out   371.891 KB/s          7.476 MB/s          876.564 MB

     igb0  in     12.896 MB/s        106.495 MB/s           11.184 GB
           out   375.360 KB/s          7.546 MB/s          885.000 MB


  • There need to be a linear relationship between the pf hard-limit of states and the pf.states_hashsize;
  • RAM needed for pf.states_hashsize = pf.states_hashsize * 80 Byte and pf.states_hashsize should be a power of 2 (from the manual page);
  • Even small hardware can manage large number of sessions (it's a matter of RAM),  but under too lot's of pressure pfsync will suffer.

samedi, janvier 25, 2014

Ethernet-Wifi failover on FreeBSD

I want a simple behaviour with my laptop:
  1. If Ethernet cable connected use this connectivity, otherwise use the wireless;
  2. I want to kept the same IP addresses, event if I'm using DHCP client.
The solution is quiet simple:
  1. set-up an aggregate interface in failover mode with Ethernet as primary and wireless as backup;
  2. Clone the Wireless MAC NIC to the Ethernet (opposite is not always possible with wireless chipset restriction).
Here are how to do it:

# ifconfig -l
iwn0 bge0 lo0

=> My Ethernet NIC is "bge0" and wireless is "iwn0" here

# set MAC=`ifconfig wlan0 | grep ether | cut -d ' ' -f 2`
# sysrc ifconfig_bge0="ether $MAC"
ifconfig_bge0:  -> ether 00:1c:23:25:ab:45
# sysrc wlans_iwn0=wlan0
wlans_iwn0:  -> wlan0

# sysrc ifconfig_wlan0="WPA up"
ifconfig_wlan0: WPA DHCP -> WPA up
# sysrc cloned_interfaces=lagg0
cloned_interfaces:  -> lagg0
# sysrc ifconfig_lagg0="laggproto failover laggport bge0 laggport wlan0 DHCP"
ifconfig_lagg0:  -> laggproto failover laggport bge0 laggport wlan0 DHCP
# sysrc ifconfig_lagg0_ipv6="inet6 accept_rtadv"
ifconfig_lagg0_ipv6:  -> inet6 accept_rtadv

# service netif restart

And now with Ethernet cable unplugged:

# ifconfig lagg0
lagg0: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 1500
    ether 00:1c:23:25:ab:45
    inet6 fe80::41d:23ff:fe25:ab78%lagg0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x4
    inet6 2a01:e35:9b9d:a1a0:41d:23ff:fe25:ab45 prefixlen 64 autoconf
    inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast
    media: Ethernet autoselect
    status: active
    laggproto failover lagghash l2,l3,l4
    laggport: wlan0 flags=4<ACTIVE>
    laggport: bge0 flags=1<MASTER>

Then If I plug the Ethernet cable:

# ifconfig lagg0
lagg0: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 1500
    ether 00:1c:23:25:ab:45
    inet6 fe80::41d:23ff:fe25:ab45%lagg0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x4
    inet6 2a01:e35:9b9d:a1a0:41d:23ff:fe25:ab45 prefixlen 64 autoconf
    inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast
    media: Ethernet autoselect
    status: active
    laggproto failover lagghash l2,l3,l4
    laggport: wlan0 flags=0<>
    laggport: bge0 flags=5<MASTER,ACTIVE>

mercredi, octobre 05, 2011

BSD Router Project: Version 1.0 disponible

Cela faisait plusieurs mois qu'il n'y avait pas eu de nouvelle version de ce routeur libre: C'est corrigé depuis cette nuit.
Et comme j'ai passé pas mal de temps à le tester dans tous les sens, je me suis dit que cette version méritait finallement de passer directement en 1.0.
J'ai par contre découvert une grosse limitation concernant la protection des protocoles de routages IPv6 sous FreeBSD (RIPng et OSPFv3): Ces protocoles n'incluent plus leur propre mécanismes de sécurité mais les délèguent à la couche IPSec d'IPv6. Cela veux dire que nous devons passer par setkey(8) pour configurer des SAD/SPD manuels les protégeant.… Or la couche IPSec de FreeBSD ne sait pas gérer les adresses multicast et l'usage du multicast est très courant en IPv6 (RIPng et OSPFv3 l'utilisent). Cette limitation est assez bloquante car elle ne permet pas d'avoir le même niveau de protection des réseaux RIP/OSPF en IPv6 qu'en IPv4 sous FreeBSD.

J'ai aussi amélioré les scripts VirtualBox (PowerShell et Shell) permettant de lancer les labs virtuels facilement pour qu'ils prennent en charge les fonctionnalités de linked-type-clone et Page Fusion: Le gain en ressource pour la machine hôte est impressionnant!
Par exemple sur le lab BGP route reflector/confederation qui nécessite le lancement de 7 routeurs, donc 7 VMs (avec 128Mo de RAM et 256Mo de disque alloué à chacune):
  • La fonctionnalité «linked-type-clone» permet de ne consommer que 153Mo d'espace disque pour l'ensemble des VMs: Le template de référence utilise 80Mo et chacun des clones 10Mo.
  • La fonctionnalité «Page Fusion», elle, permet de ne consommer que 112Mo de RAM pour l'ensemble des VMs (environ 16Mo par VM).
Pour la suite, va falloir que je travaille un système de centralisation/gestion des configurations et pourquoi pas permettre le pre-provisionning des configurations pour du déploiement grande échelle.

lundi, août 23, 2010

Juniper EX-4200 internal PFE routing in stack

During a troubleshooting session on a 10-members Juniper EX-4200 stack, I discovered the use of "show virtual-chassis vc-path source-interface XX destination-interface YY".
This command display the internal path across the EX-4200 PFE chips.
I obtain a result different that the EX-4200 diagram displayed in the O'reilly book "JunOS enterprise Switching" regarding the "Uplink Module".
Here are my results (simplified to a 3-members stack):

The Juniper use an internal routing-protocol for using shortest path between ports (less PFE hop count).
This diagram depends of how you build your stack too: If you use another way for plug your stack-cables, the result will be different.

Here is how to display the path when going from port ge-0/0/0 to ge-2/0/0

user@ex-stack> show virtual-chassis vc-path source-interface ge-0/0/0 destination-interface ge-2/0/0
vc-path from ge-0/0/0 to ge-2/0/0
Hop   Member  PFE-Device  Interface
0       0         1       ge-0/0/0
1       1         4       vcp-1
2       1         5       internal-1/25
3       1         3       internal-2/24
4       2         6       vcp-0
5       2         8       internal-0/24
6       2         7       ge-2/0/0

This means that if only one of the 3 PFE on one of your stack member have a problem, it's all flow that cross this member that will have problem.
You can check internal-PFE communication error with this command:
show virtual-chassis vc-port statistics extensive | match errors

jeudi, août 12, 2010

TCP flow analysis with tshark, tcptrace and xplot

Troubleshooting bad TCP performance between old Windows 2003 SP1 servers and a Sun Solaris 8, my only goal was to generate some TCP flow graph with Wireshark :
  1. The TCP Stream Graph: Time sequence grap

  2. The flow graph: TCP flow

But my old desktop computer was not able to opening the 1Go cap file onto Wireshark.
I found another solution using tshark, tcptrace and xplot:
  1. tshark, used with a little shell script, is used for extracting the TCP stream
  2. tcptrace is used for generate all graph files in xplot format (throughput, rtt sample time sequence , owin, segsize)
  3. xplot is used for drawing the graph using the xplot file generated in step 2
Here the shell script used for extracting the TCP stream:

set -e
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
        echo "usage:"
        echo '$0 tracefile.cap ["tshark filter"]'
        echo ""
        echo "Example:"
        echo '$0 trace.cap "ip.addr== && tcp.port==1290 && ip.addr== && tcp.port==20'
        exit 0
if [ ! -f $1 ]; then
    echo "No input trace file found!"
    exit 1
echo "Generating the lists of detected TCP stream (can take a very long time depending of your trace size)..."
echo "If the next table didn't give you enough detail, try to generate more details stats with tshark:"
echo "tshark -n -r $1 -q -z conv,tcp"
echo "Stream    IP src TCP port scr IP dst TCP port dst"

if [ $# -eq 2 ]; then
    tshark -n -r $1 -R "$2" -T fields -e -e ip.src -e tcp.srcport -e ip.dst -e tcp.dstport | sort -un
    tshark -n -r $1 -T fields -e -e ip.src -e tcp.srcport -e ip.dst -e tcp.dstport | sort -un

echo "Enter the stream number you want to extract (enter all for all streams):"
read streamid <&1
if [ $streamid != "all" ]; then
    echo "Extracting stream ${streamid} …"
    tshark -r $1 -w stream-${streamid}.cap -R " eq ${streamid}"
    echo "Stream number ${streamid} extracted in file stream-${streamid}.cap"
    echo "Extracting All streams"
    for streamid in `tshark -n -r $1 -T fields -e | sort -un`
        echo "Working on stream ${streamid} …"
        tshark -r $1 -w stream-${streamid}.cap -R " eq ${streamid}"
    echo "All streams were extracted in files stream-STREAM-NUMBER.cap"

This script should be run like that:

[[olivier@sparc64]~/>sh solaris-slow-TCP.cap
Generating the lists of detected TCP stream (can take a very long time depending of your trace size)...
If the next table didn't give you enough detail, try to generate more details stats with tshark:
tshark -n -r solaris-slow-TCP.cap -q -z conv,tcp
Stream    IP src TCP port scr IP dst TCP port dst
0   48001   31114
1   1004   513
2   2948   1521
3   3899   1521
4   3777   1521
5   3536   1521
6   3687   1521
7   4936   1521
8   1521   3569
9   1256   21
10   20   1290
11   1433   1652
12   1591   1521
13   1433   1678
14   3732   1521
15   1433   1555
16   1433   1683
17   1433   1684 
Enter the stream number you want to extract (enter all for all streams):
Extracting stream 10 …
Stream number 10 extracted in file stream-10.cap

Once you've get the filtered cap file, run tcptrace over it:

tcptrace -n -C -G stream-10.cap

Now, better than with Wireshark (because you can zoom in/out), here are the TCP Time sequence grap:
xplot a2b_tsg.xpl &

 And the TCP flow graph:

 xplot a_b_tline.xpl &

My problem is that packet are lost in the direction Solaris => Windows… I need to found where now :-)