Olivier's Blog
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samedi, mai 14, 2016
Playing with FreeBSD packet filter state table limits
Objective I've got a very specific needs: Selecting a firewalls to be installed between large number of monitoring servers and a big n...
samedi, janvier 25, 2014
Ethernet-Wifi failover on FreeBSD
I want a simple behaviour with my laptop: If Ethernet cable connected use this connectivity, otherwise use the wireless; I want to kept t...
mercredi, octobre 05, 2011
BSD Router Project: Version 1.0 disponible
Cela faisait plusieurs mois qu'il n'y avait pas eu de nouvelle version de ce routeur libre : C'est corrigé depuis cette nuit . ...
lundi, août 23, 2010
Juniper EX-4200 internal PFE routing in stack
During a troubleshooting session on a 10-members Juniper EX-4200 stack, I discovered the use of " show virtual-chassis vc-path source-i...
jeudi, août 12, 2010
TCP flow analysis with tshark, tcptrace and xplot
Troubleshooting bad TCP performance between old Windows 2003 SP1 servers and a Sun Solaris 8, my only goal was to generate some TCP flow gra...
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